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All the latest Masonic news from the Grand Lodge of California.

With a Little Help from His Friends
After disaster threw his life into chaos, one member turned to the fraternity for a restart.

Lighting the Way
Even in a year of unprecedented challenges, Freemasonry continued to show a path forward for its members and their communities.

2020 Annual Report
Begin the 2020 Annual Report with a message from Grand Master of Masons of California Arthur H. Weiss.

2020 Annual Report: A Year that Mattered
Even while apart, the Masons of California joined together in all-new ways.

2020 Annual Report: The World in Harmony
Building peace and understanding through friendship, service, and self-improvement.

2020 Annual Report: Homage to Service
It wasn’t the public schools month centennial celebration anyone envisioned, but masons’ support of education was as impactful as ever in 2020.

2020 Annual Report: Twice as Nice for 2020
Half the effort, double the impact: When it comes to giving back, the members of Anacapa Lodge No. 710 and Oxnard No. 341 have discovered that collaboration is the key.

2020 Annual Report: Finding Balance
The Masonic Center for Youth and Families got creative in bringing emotional-wellness support to all in 2020.

2020 Annual Report: Honor Roll of Donors
Even while apart, the Masons of California joined together in all-new ways.

Southern California Masons Give Back to Communities
This past holiday season, several lodges in Southern California participated in an annual toy giveaway and delivered good cheer and gifts to elder Masons and widows.

New Years Message from Grand Master Arthur H. Weiss
Read the latest message from Grand Master of Masons of California Arthur H. Weiss.

2020-2021 Masonic Restoration: A Lifeline Back to Lodge
Whether a member has been suspended for two months or 20 years, learn more about the member restoration campaign from Grand Master Arthur H. Weiss is proposing to provide members a simple, straightforward path back to the Craft.

Thanksgiving Message from Grand Master Arthur H. Weiss
Read the latest message from Grand Master of Masons of California Arthur H. Weiss.

2025 Dues Remission Request form
Members can request dues remission in the following form.

2021 Grand Master Proclamations
Together with the rest of the Grand Family, Grand Master Arthur Weiss announced his administration’s proclamations for the 2020-21 fraternal year.

Rocket Man: Grand Master Arthur Weiss on Freemasonry, Outer Space, and the Future
The newly installed Grand Master aims for return to lodges in 2021.

See How Far We’ve Come in the 2020 Fraternity Plan Review
Download the 2020 Fraternity Plan Review today to learn about the many initiatives and efforts lodges have led since 2015 in service of those timeless principals.

Free for Download: Masonic Music to Accompany Events
Music can play an enormous role in adding emotional depth to any occasion. Here are a variety of tracks available for download to all Masonic organizations for use in their own events.

Message on Wildfires from Grand Master John Trauner
Hear the latest from Grand Master John E. Trauner regarding the recent California wildfires.