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All the latest Masonic news from the Grand Lodge of California.
Masonic Ranks
The craft lodges where Masons begin their journey through Freemasonry have three ranks, or degrees. Once they’ve completed those, they’re able to pursue further degrees through “appendant” Masonic bodies that offer even more ranks beyond that. What does it all add up to? Is there a system to putting Masonic ranks in order—and if so, what’s at the top?
Other Masonic Bodies
Freemasonry has inspired a number of offshoot Masonic groups that can offer a unique extension of the member experience. From the playful personality of the Shriners to the expanded degree lessons of the Knights Templar and York Rite and Scottish Rite, here’s an introduction to Masonic appendant bodies and affiliated organizations.
Prince Hall Masonry
Prince Hall Masonry is a historically Black branch of Freemasonry that began in the 1700s. Learn about the organization’s revolutionary history, and the important role it plays for Black Freemasons and the Masonic family today.
Famous Freemasons
Freemasons come from all backgrounds, all belief systems, and all walks of life. So it’s no surprise that the list of famous Freemasons is very long—and varied. It includes everyone from actors and celebrities to artists and politicians. Let’s meet a few.
New Issue Summer Magazine Launch Party
Join us July 29 at the San Diego Scottish Rite Event Center as we toast a new issue of the magazine.
Grand Master’s Decisions on Masonic-Sponsored Meetings and Events During COVID-19
Grand Master Arthur Weiss has issued two important decisions related to the suspension of in-person Masonic events and meetings; and to holding special and stated meetings and officer elections online.
Guide to Freemasonry
Discuss your Masonic experience with others easily by downloading the simple guide to Freemasonry and brushing up on the basics.
Guide to Freemasonry
Discuss your Masonic experience with others easily by downloading the simple guide to Freemasonry and brushing up on the basics.
Grand Master’s Liberty Tour 2021
Join Us on the Grand Master’s Liberty Tour to Philadelphia Copyright and credits – Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania Join Art
172nd Annual Communication
172nd Annual Communication: October 8-10, 2021, San Francisco, CA Learn More Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email
New Issue Magazine Launch Party
Join us April 15 at the Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever Cemetery as we toast a new issue of the magazine.
2020 Annual Report: Strength in Numbers
In a year without lodge, California Freemasons made their presence felt like never before.
A Shot in the Arm
A 99% vaccination rate allows residents and staff at the Masonic Homes to breathe a little easier.
Roadmap to the Future
The Masonic Homes of California embarks on a plan for its next hundred years.
With a Little Help from His Friends
After disaster threw his life into chaos, one member turned to the fraternity for a restart.
Lighting the Way
Even in a year of unprecedented challenges, Freemasonry continued to show a path forward for its members and their communities.
2020 Annual Report
Begin the 2020 Annual Report with a message from Grand Master of Masons of California Arthur H. Weiss.
2020 Annual Report: A Year that Mattered
Even while apart, the Masons of California joined together in all-new ways.
2020 Annual Report: The World in Harmony
Building peace and understanding through friendship, service, and self-improvement.