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Grand Master Brill: This Thanksgiving, a Season of Beauty and Giving Back

From the Masons of California,
we wish you all a  Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s that time of year when I miss being in Chicago, my hometown. The weather gets perfect for wearing jackets or sweaters and playing touch football out on the lawn or in the parks. But the real highlight is the changing of the colors in the trees. We would always get away from the city and head for the forest preserves to the west to see the incredible change. In the fall, the colors simply explode in shades of yellow, orange, and purple. The sight is almost surreal. In my memories, it is the Great Architect’s palette from which he paints a picture of what we wish nature could always be.

The colors of our lives change as well. We enter a season of celebrations and reminders of the value of family and friends. But I think that Thanksgiving is the real jewel of the holidays. With the remaining warmth and beauty of autumn closing out, we gather around our tables to humbly offer our thanks for all that we have and are, as well as for the bounty represented by the traditional feasts. We hold hands in thanks for all with which we are blessed.

As you count your blessings, remember those who are not as fortunate and contemplate a way to exercise your charitable obligations to their benefit. Bring light and warmth to them in any way you can, both now and all through the year. Susan and I wish you blessings, good food, and good fortune for Thanksgiving and beyond.

Fraternally yours,

Randall L. Brill
Grand Master of California