June 2022: Through MHC, the “Crown Jewel” Is Available to You

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    Through MHC, the 'Crown Jewel' Is Available to All

    Note: Download our new virtual booklet full of simple answers to common questions about Freemasonry and advice for talking about it with non-members.

    June is Masonic Homes Month, a time when the Masons of California typically salute the staff and residents of the two senior residential communities that make them—as they’re often described—the “crown jewels” of the fraternity.

    This year, however, we want to flip that equation on its head.

    Rather than recognize those within the Masonic Homes, we want to make sure those on the outside are fully aware of the wide range of services available to them through MHC. California Masons have an incredible resource at their disposal in the Homes, and one that far too often, they simply don’t know enough about. Says Sabrina Montes, the executive director of Masonic Outreach Services, “We’re here to support you, no matter how big or small that is.”

    Understanding the Masonic Homes of California's Services

    The most visible part of the Masonic Homes of California is, well, the homes themselves. And as important to the mission of Masonic relief as the residences in Union City and Covina are, they are only one part of it. (Or rather, two.) In fact, many of the Masonic Homes of California’s other services ultimately reach a far greater number of people, including Masons, than the senior homes do. They include:

    • Masonic Assistance Line and Masonic Outreach Services

      This hotline connects California Masons from any part of the state with a team of counselors and staff from the Masonic Outreach Services team who can identify and connect them to resources they need, whatever that is. Oftentimes that involves health-related issues—assistance with obtaining a wheelchair or arranging in-home care for a loved one—but it can also involve financial assistance or advice for those facing hardships. These aren’t only for seniors or those meeting certain financial criteria. The help line is open to all Masons of all ages. Lodges can schedule for a member of Masonic Outreach Services to speak to their lodge about the range of services they offer and how to access them. 888-466-3642.

    • Masonic Center for Youth and Families

      Based in San Francisco and Covina, MCYAF specializes in emotional wellness services for children, teens, adults, and seniors—in other words, everyone. This includes both in-person and virtual services, including therapy and family and marriage counseling. Additionally, MCYAF offers a host of programs for school-age children and teens including academic support, testing for learning issues, and dealing with mental and behavioral challenges. No Masons are ever turned away from MCYAF, and fees are charged on a sliding scale, making them within reach for all members and their families. mcyaf.org.

    • Memory Care and Assisted Living for Everyone

      The newly opened Pavilion at the Masonic Homes, in Union City, represents an important expansion of MHC’s leading work on memory-loss conditions like Alzheimer’s and dementia. With an entire floor devoted to those experiencing memory loss and a second floor for those in need of assisted-living services, the Pavilion is bringing MHC’s model of care to the wider population. While Masons are given priority admission to the Pavilion, its services are open to all—meaning that California Masons can now refer family members who aren’t in the fraternity there for care. pavilion-unioncity.org.

    • Masonic Value Network

      Understanding all that goes into senior care can be difficult for anyone, whether you’re looking for care yourself, or for a parent or loved one. Through the Masonic Value Network, California Masons can get help finding and connecting to needed and affordable senior care services. The network includes independent providers in several areas of care, including in-home care, senior living communities, and senior-care placement services. Also, the Masonic Value Network includes a pharmacy discount program to help you find the best prescription drug prices at pharmacies in your area. masonichome.org/valuenetwork

    • Post-Surgery Rehab in Union City

      Another service offered to the public in Union City is Transitions, a short-term care program for neurological and post-surgical rehabilitation. Through it, those recovering from a stroke, heart attack, or other health issue can tap into MHC’s care services and residential facilities for a matter or weeks or months after they’re discharged from the hospital. masonichome.org.

    For Your Trestleboard

    Use this content to spread the word about resources provided by the Masonic Homes of California and other new and noteworthy programs.

    Masonic Homes of California Resources

    Masonic Value Network

    Cornerstone Society

    New: Services at MCYAF Across the Lifespan

    New: Masonic Youth Order Resources Library

    New: The Pavilion at the Masonic Homes

    Question of the Month

    Last month, we asked if you felt comfortable discussing Freemasonry with non-members. Of those that responded:

    • Yes - 89%
    • No -  11%

    Here's your next survey question