January 2025
Welcome New Officers:
A Resource Guide

If you’re starting this year off in your first officer’s seat—or even your second or third—you’re probably wondering what’s in store for the year ahead. As a lodge officer, you are the heart of the lodge, one of its leaders and one of the main drivers of its success. It’s a big job, but fear not! You’re not alone. You’ve got an entire officer’s line standing with you, plus the entire fraternity at your back. That’s a lot of institutional knowledge at the ready to help you problem solve.
With that in mind, we’ve rounded out a list of useful resources from Grand Lodge to help you on your way to building and maintaining a strong lodge.

- Opening the Door: A Simple Guide to Understanding—and Talking About—Freemasonry
- Guide to Successful Masonic Information Campaign
- Lodge Media Toolkit
- Member Prospecting Interview
- “Take Five” Approach to Prospecting
- Guide to Engagement and Retention
- Lodge Community Service Tips
- Build a Vibrant Lodge
- The best ways to share the great work you do as a Mason with those in your social circle.
- The role the fraternity plays in your life
- Answers to some typical questions prospects have about the fraternity
- Information on how the fraternity works and how lodges function
- What types of information you can and should share with folks, including the media
- The best way to manage a media campaign, including how to advertise open houses and how to share information
- Tips on hosting a successful open house
- Template for an open house night schedule of events
- One prospect
- Meets two hosts
- Over three get-acquainted meetings
- As well as four lodge events
- Over five months
- How to nurture strong relationships between brothers
- How to give memorable and meaningful degree ceremonies
- Tips on the business side of serving as an officer, including how to manage the hall’s business accounts
- And how best to support your local community

Each year on New Year’s Day, I change my Facebook cover photo to a picture of Janus, the Roman deity of doors, gates, beginnings, and transitions. He’s often depicted as having two faces: one looking forward, to the future, and one looking backwards to the past. I’ve always found Janus’ dualistic nature to be instructive, simultaneously incorporating the past and the future.
One might ask what one’s past has to do with one’s future. For New Year’s, most people are concerned with new resolutions like making changes to their behaviors or habits—or, to put it more simply, with new beginnings. Yet in my work life, whenever I confront a complex matter, I am always able to resolve it simply by recalling some basics of law and dealmaking. Even though I learned those basics long ago, I write them out each time because doing so helps me work through the issues.
I find this to be useful in my personal life and relationships as well. For those, the basics are the principles and values of Freemasonry. Remembering that I should treat each person fairly (the square); that like others I can be influenced by my passions and prejudice (the compass); that each person derives from the GAOT and is as human as me (brotherly love); that like others I am imperfect but can improve (the ashlars)—these Masonic “basics” help me figure out how to resolve the issues I have with myself and others.
As we begin 2025, remember, my brothers, that even in the most trying of times, not only are you capable of making a new beginning for yourself and your community, you already have the tools you need to effectuate that positive change.
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!
David Ferreria, Grand Chaplain

Open enrollment for the Hall’s Insurance Program with Alliant is around the corner. If your hall association is already participating in the Grand Lodge-sponsored insurance program provided by Alliant Insurance Services, your hall has two options:
- Opt-in the program (i.e. renew with Alliant) or
- Opt-out of the program
Even if your hall is not making any changes to the policy, you must reply in writing (via email or regular mail) by completing the insurance information questionnaire sent to you by Alliant by the requested deadline.
This is your hall’s yearly opportunity to validate and edit the data on file with Alliant including hall’s primary contact information for insurance purposes, building values, contents’ values, rental income (i.e. business interruption income), and any recent renovations or upgrades made to the building including roof replacement, ADA upgrades, and any relevant life and safety upgrades. Again, please be sure to respond to Alliant’s correspondence in a timely manner to ensure coverage will be bound for the April 1, 2025 policy cycle.
If you have any insurance-related questions, please contact the Grand Lodge Real Estate team at realestate@freemason.org or call 415-292-9186.

Use this content to spread the word about resources provided by the California Masonic Foundation, the Masonic Homes of California, and more.
Masonic Health Services:
Services at MCYAF Across the Lifespan
The Pavilion at the Masonic Homes
Masonic Homes of California Resources
Masonic Philanthropy:

Executive Committee
- Hold installation of officers or continue to prepare for installation
- Meet with the inspector to review your plan for the year
- Prepare to attend the 2025 Leadership Summit, which for the first time includes the entire officer’s line. Retreats are held in Anaheim, San Ramon, Lake Tahoe, and Palm Springs.
- Consider adding members to the Membership Restoration Campaign
Senior Warden, along with Executive Committee
- Urge presumptive master, wardens, and senior deacon to perform their Master Mason’s proficiency soon, if not already completed
- Prepare 2024 budget to present to the lodge in January
- Budget for, and prepare to attend, the 2025 Leadership Retreats
- Ensure that all committee assignments have been determined. After installation as master, confirm audit, charity, and membership retention committee appointments.
- Review all candidates’ progress toward advancement
- Continue sending out dues notices and collecting member dues.
- Begin preparing secretary’s annual report to present to the lodge in February.
- Review the list of suspended members sent to you by Grand Lodge and determine if your lodge wants to participate in the 2025 Restoration Campaign.
- Budget for, and prepare to attend, the 2025 Leadership Retreats
- Begin preparing treasurer’s annual report to present to the lodge in February
- Budget for, and prepare to attend, 2025 Leadership Retreats
- Ensure that the lodge financial records are up to date and bank accounts are reconciled
- If you haven’t yet, enroll your lodge in the Dues Invoicing Service. Lodges enrolled in this program saw more members pay their dues compared to lodges that did not participate. All lodges that participated last year will be enrolled again this year. Lodges enrolled in the program will be emailed about dues through December. To opt into or out of the program, contact Member Services.
Questions? Contact Member Services at memberservices@freemason.org or (415) 776-7000.
Acalanes Fellowship No. 480
Alameda No. 167
American Canyon No. 875
Andres Bonifacio No. 879
Angels Gate No. 198
Arcadia No. 278
Artesia Sunrise No. 377
Beverly Hills No. 528
California No. 1
Carquinez No. 858
Conejo Valley No. 807
Consuelo No. 854
East San Diego No. 561
Friendship No. 210
Gardena Moneta No. 372
Glendale No. 368
Granada Hills No. 378
Harding San Juan No. 579
Ionic Composite No. 520
Irvine Valley No. 671
Lemon Grove No. 736
Liberty No. 299
Long Beach No. 327
Los Angeles Harbor No. 332
Martinez No. 41
Metropolitan No. 352
Mission No. 169
MW John R. Heisner No. 442
Napa Valley No. 93
Newport Mesa No. 241
Novus Veteris No. 864
Oak Summit No. 112
Oasis No. 854
Olive Branch No. 269
Orange Grove No. 293
Orinda No. 122
Pacific-Starr King No. 136
Pasadena No. 272
Petaluma-Hamilton No. 180
Pleasanton No. 321
Rosemead No. 457
San Fernando No. 343
San Leandro No. 113
Seven Hills No. 881
Simi Valley No. 806
Suisun No. 55
Temecula Catalina Island No. 524
Texas No. 46
The Downtown Masonic No. 859
The Thirty-Three No. 878
Torrance University No. 394
Visalia No. 128
Welcome No. 255
Willow Glen No. 399

Last month, we asked does your lodge have anyone trained as a lodge outreach coordinator? Of those who responded:
- Yes = 43%
- No = 57%