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171st Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of California

On October 10–11 2020, nearly 2,000 California Masons and family members tuned in to the first-ever virtual Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of California to celebrate the past fraternal year and install a new grand master.

Missed any of the video presentations? Check out the video archive below to hear reports from Grand Lodge Officers, other Masonic entities, and members of the Masonic youth orders.


Annual Communication Videos

Public Ceremonies and Installation of the Grand Lodge of California

Installation Address, Grand Master Arthur H. Weiss 

Youth Order Conversation with Past Grand Master John E. Trauner

Al Malaikah Shrine Fez Presentation to Grand Master Arthurt H. Weiss

Grand Officer Reports

Grand Secretary Report by Allan L. Casalou

Grand Treasurer Report by Arthur L. Salazar Jr.

Grand Lecturer Report by Ricky L. Lawler

Memorial Service by Grand Chaplain Bayani D. Rico

Board Reports

Play Video

Acacia Creek Board Report 2020

Nob Hill Masonic Center Board Report 2020

California Masonic Memorial Temple Board Report 2020

California Masonic Foundation Board Report 2020

Masonic Homes of California Board Report 2020

Messages from the Youth Orders

Isabella Lynch
Grand Worthy Advisor
International Order of the Rainbow for Girls

Elizabeth Allen
Grand Bethel Honored Queen
Job’s Daughters International California

Julianna Barnes
Miss California Job’s Daughter
Job’s Daughters International California

Aaron Pickett
Master Councilor
Northern California DeMolay Association

Andrew Caster
Judicial Master Councilor
Southern California DeMolay Association