Together we make a profound difference

Announcing Changes to 2020 Annual Communication

August 11, 2020


The 2019–2020 Masonic year has been drastically different than what any of us expected. Through this pandemic we have had to experience Freemasonry from a distance, learn to connect with our brothers digitally, and lead our communities through an unprecedented time in our lives. And yet our Masonic fellowship has never been stronger. We have found new ways of working together, shown record-breaking generosity, and—I would argue—flexed even more Masonic muscle than in a normal year.

In light of this ongoing pandemic and the related restrictions, I am announcing that our 2020 Annual Communication will be a virtual event, taking place on the same weekend in October as originally planned. We hope you will all make time to join us for a first-class virtual event that allows us to do the important business of our grand lodge, recognize the good work California Masons have accomplished this year, and transition our leadership, all while following laws and practices to keep our members healthy.

To facilitate a virtual Annual Communication, I will make at least two Grand Master’s decisions, which I will publish in due time. Due to the virtual nature of the event, we will open Grand Lodge without any Masonic Communication or other ritual—the Grand Master may simply verify the presence of a quorum, declare the Annual Communication open, and proceed with the Saturday agenda below. We will keep our business to a minimum. All legislation submitted this year will be considered at the 2021 Annual Communication.

We will require advance registration for our business sessions, and we hope to see California Master Masons from far and wide attend. Many of the usual reports and presentations will be available as videos on demand. As in the past, the Sunday session will be open to our entire Masonic family and the public.

Details on how to participate will follow, with registration beginning in the second week of September. Please read the agenda below and join me and my fellow officers in October. 

Annual Communication
October 10-11, 2020

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Business session  
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Welcome by the Grand Master
Invocation by the Grand Chaplain
Registration report and orientation to technology
Grand Master’s Message and Video
Trial Review Committee Report
2020-2021 Budget Proposal
2021-2022 Per Capita Proposal
Election of Officers

Sunday October 11, 2020 

Public ceremonies 
9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.

Grand Master’s Youth Support Award
Grand Master’s Mason of the Year Award
Grand Master’s Lifetime Achievement Award
Farewell remarks

10:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.


Installation of Officers 
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Grand Lodge Officer Installation 
Grand Master’s Message

Please know that the Grand Lodge is considering how lodges might proceed this year as well. While this announcement is bittersweet for me personally, I look forward to seeing you all online, and to when we can meet in person again.

Sincerely and fraternally,

John E. Trauner
Grand Master
Grand Lodge of F&AM of California