2024 Fraternity Report:
Filling a Need
By Grand Master Arthur L. Salazar Jr.
So much has happened over the past 12 months, it can be hard to know where to begin in trying to sum it all up. As a fraternity, we’ve made incredible strides on our membership efforts, public awareness goals, and new lodge openings. Our Foundation has invested heavily in public education and vocational training in the Sacramento area. The Masonic Homes have expanded eligibility to serve more Masons and their families than ever before, and recently put the finishing touches on a brand-new skilled nursing facility in Covina. And Masonic Outreach Services have brought relief to Masons throughout the state and inspired our members to reach out and help others in need.
That last part is key.
If there’s a common thread to the work we do as a fraternity, it’s identifying the needs of those around us—and then working to fill those needs.
When we saw Masons from other traditions in need of senior care and relief, we met it through our Masonic Homes. When we saw a need for dual-language literacy support among refugee students in West Sacramento, we worked with our nonprofit partners to meet it. When we saw a need for new kinds of Masonic lodges to serve members of different backgrounds, or with specific interests, we helped them develop new lodges that could address those needs head-on.
That’s what we’re all about. So as we move into our 175th year as the Grand Lodge of California, I call on all California Masons to look around and seek out ways to help. Find out what the needs of your fellow members are. Identify the needs in your local community. Reach out to lodge widows and our wider fraternal family and ask what they need. By doing so, we prove our value as Masons and as a fraternity. We fulfill the obligations we all took when we became Masons. And we make good on the shared vision we’ve set for ourselves to create a world in harmony.
To all California Masons, thank you for your energy and generosity. I can’t wait to see what the next year brings.
Arthur L. Salazar
Grand Master of the Masons of California
Read More From the 2024 Fraternity Report
Fraternity Report: Doors Open
An increased effort on public awareness is paying off for California lodges.
Foundation Report: The Win-Win
In Sacramento, the California Masonic Foundation is refining an approach to philanthropy that benefits all.
Masonic Assistance Report: Better for All
Thanks to an expansion of eligibility, Masonic Assistance is serving more people than ever.
Masonic Homes Report: Home at Last
In Covina, the Citrus Heights Health Center is ushering in a new era for the Masonic Homes.
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