Make sure you and your fellow officers are positioned for a successful year ahead. The 2024 Leadership Retreats are your chance to get hands-on, practical advice on the issues facing lodges today. Gain fresh ideas, discover new tools, and connect with other lodge officers at these impactful and enlightening sessions. 

Master & Wardens Retreats

San Ramon: March 8-10
Disneyland/Anaheim: April 5-7 ~NEW HOTEL~
Lake Tahoe: April 19-21 ~LIMITED AVAILABILITY~
Indian Wells: May 17-19
Price: $450

Scholarships Are Available

Scholarships are available for any member that wishes to come! Requests for scholarships are rarely denied, so we encourage you to request one if needed. It’s easy to request right in the registration path!
Please call Member Services at (415) 776-7000 to inquire about eligibility.

What You'll Learn

Whether you’re a new or experienced officer, or just curious to know more about lodge leadership, the Master and Wardens Leadership Retreats are a wonderful opportunity to network with fellow Masons and share advice and best practices within Masonry. This year, there are two learning tracksone for wardens, and another for masters, and lots of engaging exercises to pull our leaders together.  Topics to be discussed are:
  • What does it mean to be a Masonic leader?
  • Meeting and welcoming prospects
  • Filling the line with energized brothers
  • Inspiring members with programming and Masonic education
  • How does Freemasonry promote harmony in the world?

Choose Your Own Adventure

With four destinations to choose fromincluding, for the first time, at Disneylandthe retreats are sure to be a lot of fun, so we encourage you to bring your spouses, partners and families. Check out the destinations below.

San Ramon


Lake Tahoe

Indian Wells

“At lodge, you have people who can tell you what you ‘should’ be doing, but here, you can learn what you ‘can’ do—and you meet people who can give you the support to do it.”
          –Marty Cusing, Past Master of Burlingame No. 400

“I came back to the lodge inspired. It was a very meaningful experience. Even after all the leadership positions I’ve been I’ve been in, I still find it valuable. 
          –George Whitmore, Master of Fox-Coates Daylight No. 842

Questions? Contact Member Services at (415) 292-9180 or