A New, Easy Way to Invoice Members
Over the past year, 30 lodges participated in a pilot program that allowed their members to pay their annual dues via credit card. Members liked the easy and convenient way to pay their dues, and they could get their virtual dues card immediately. Secretaries liked it because it streamlined the process of collecting dues from their members.
Now the ability to pay via credit card is being rolled out to everyone. As of November 1, all members will be able to log in to member.freemason.org to pay their dues via VISA or Mastercard. The site is secure, easy to use, and convenient. Secretaries are kept up-to-date through a new dues dashboard, and receive monthly checks from Grand Lodge for all of the monies received on behalf of their lodge.
Because of this upgrade for members, Grand Lodge is offering free dues invoicing services to all lodges. Lodges that opt in to invoicing services do not need to send dues notices to their members. It is our hope that this feature will reduce the workload on our secretaries.
If lodges opt in to the new invoicing service:
- Grand Lodge will send three dues notices to members via email and mail (November, December, and January).
- Members can pay either online or by check to Grand Lodge or the lodge secretary. Any money received by Grand Lodge will be processed by Member Services, who will update the member record and activate the dues card.
- Once payments are updated in iMember 2.0, secretaries will see them on the dues dashboard. Intacct will be automatically updated, if the lodge is using Intacct.
- Every month, secretaries will receive a check and an itemized report for all funds collected, minus credit card processing fees.
- If a member has not paid after three notices, Grand Lodge will notify the lodge’s Membership Retention Committee to follow up with them.
- Grand Lodge will send three dues notices to members via email and mail (November, December, and January).
Lodges must opt in to this free invoicing service. Opt in by November 1 for the 2021 year.
Questions? Please contact Member Services at memberservices@freemason.org or (415) 292-9180.