Other Masonic Organizations

The Grand Lodge of California of Free and Accepted Masons is the largest Masonic organization in the state, but not the only one. In fact, there are many other Masonic groups operating here—often in the same lodge buildings—all with slightly varying rules and criteria for membership. Learn about some of the other Masonic organizations operating in California, including the Masonic youth orders, Prince Hall Masons, women's lodges, and more below. 

Related Masonic Groups


DeMolay International
Northern California DeMolay
Southern California DeMolay

Job's Daughters

Job's Daughters International
International Order of Job's Daughters, California​

Rainbow for Girls

Supreme Assembly
California Grand Assembly

Order of the Eastern Star

General Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star
Grand Chapter California, Order of the Eastern Star

Order of the Amaranth

Supreme Council, Order of the Amaranth
Grand Court of California, Order of the Amaranth

Scottish Rite

Southern Jurisdiction
Scottish Rite California

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of California

MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge of California


Shriners International
Shriners Hospitals for Children

High Twelve

High Twelve International
California Association of High Twelve Clubs

White Shrine of Jerusalem

White Shrine of Jerusalem

York Rite

Grand York Rite
Grand York Rite of California

National Sojourners

National Sojourners

Masonic Medical Research Laboratory

Masonic Medical Research Laboratory

George Washington Union–Humanist Lodge Humanist Lodge
Orient of Half Moon Bay, California Works in the French Rite
George Washington Union–Golden Journey Lodge Orient of San Francisco, California Works in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite
George Washington Union–Discovery Lodge Orient of Los Angeles, California works in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite

Other Masonic Organizations in California

In addition to the related Masonic groups listed above, there are several other Masonic organizations active in California. The groups listed below are not formally associated with the Grand Lodge of California, although in some cases they have partnered together.

Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of California

The traditionally Black fraternity accepts members of all races. Established in California in 1855, today it has lodges across the state.

Grand Lodge of Iran in Exile

Since the revolution of 1979, Freemasonry has been banned in Iran. Today, the Grand Lodge of Iran in Exile is headquartered in Los Angeles and has lodges in many U.S. states. (818) 426-6434 

Women’s Grand Lodge of California 

With three lodges in Los Angeles, this women’s Masonic group is connected to the United Women’s Grand Lodge Alma Mexicana.

Grand Orient de France

The largest of several French Masonic bodies, the Grand Orient includes two California lodges: Art et Lumière in Los Angeles and Pacifica Lodge in San Francisco. Both admit men and women.

Le Droit Humain, American Federation

Connected to the International Order of Mixed Freemasonry, LDH practices co-ed Masonry, with several lodges in California. Members do not need to express a belief in a deity. 

Women’s Grand Lodge of Belgium 

Founded in 1999, Lodge Aletheia No. 32 in Los Angeles is connected to the women’s Masonic lodge in Belgium.

George Washington Union 

Founded in 1976 by Freemasons from the Grand Orient of France, the George Washington Union is an American Masonic organization promoting Freemasonry with absolute freedom of conscience, composed of mixed-gender lodges across the north american continent, including Golden Journey Lodge in San Francisco and Humanist Lodge in Half Moon Bay, with additional lodges emerging across California.