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Let's Write the Future
Our brothers need our help. California kids need our help, too.
When help is needed, Masons provide it. We’ve supported schools and aided hospitals. We’ve sent kids to college and looked after our brothers and their spouses in their golden years. Today, we’re putting that tradition to the test with our biggest challenge in years. We call it “Let’s Write the Future.”
We need to build memory and advanced care facilities for our most vulnerable.
Today, our brothers and their spouses at the Masonic Homes may be forced to live apart to access the memory care and advanced medical services they so greatly need – in their most desperate hour. Our vision: to build and expand the memory and advanced medical care services we offer at our Masonic Homes campuses. Residents must not be separated from their supportive, nuturing, communities during the most vulnerable time in their lives. It is now that we can make a dramatic difference – and we must heed the call to help.
We need to double the number of children and families that we help throughout the state.
Studies show that if a child can’t read at grade level by third grade, it’s impossible for him or her to ever catch up. We proudly support Raising A Reader, which helps children and their families develop strong literacy habits that impact their comprehension, vocabulary, and listening skills – breaking multigenerational cycles of illiteracy. This program can’t currently reach all the kids in California who need it. The “Let’s Write the Future” campaign will raise $2,500,000, which will double the program to 1,000 classrooms – and ensure more young Californians can look forward to a brighter future.