Grand Master Brill: This Holiday Season, Remember to Give Back
From the Masons of California,
we wish you all a safe and happy holidays!

The cold and gray of December started covering the city but the avenues—especially the one in my neighborhood—lit up the sky and spread a warmth with lights and decorations hung from the lamp posts and sparkling in every window.
My fondest childhood memories of the holidays was being reminded by our teachers and parents of what the spirit of the season was really about and how important giving and generosity were to feeling that spirit. “Better to give than to receive” was literally the standard theme.
We were aware that some of our friends and neighbors had different names and practices for celebrating the same ideas and spirit. I’ll never forget the first time I heard of a Hanukkah bush—a humorous but heartfelt nod to Christmas trees. And I was shamelessly jealous of some of my neighborhood playmates who got presents for days in a row while I got just one shot. No matter what, it was always a warm and memorable time of the year.
Regardless of what spiritual path you follow, Susan and I hope that you and yours experience all good things during your holidays and all through the year. I especially hope that in the spirit of giving, you find a way to remember our California Masonic Foundation and our Masonic Homes, as well as any of the other charitable programs that our Grand Lodge supports. May God’s blessings be upon you and may this Holiday Season bring nothing but joy.
Fraternally yours,
Randall L. Brill
Grand Master of California