Grand York Rite Sessions – Grand Banquet
Additional Details
- Event Type: Reception or other event
- Hosted By: Grand York Rite of California
- Invited: Grand Lodge Officers, Masons, Spouses and Partners, By Invitation or Registration
- Dress: Formal / Black Tie
- Meal Cost: $30 - 57 (depending on entrée
- Itinerary Details:
5:30PM to 6:30 PM - Social Hour (No host bar)
6:30PM - Grand York Rite Banquet (Reservations Required)
The guest of honor during the Grand Banquet will be Most Worshipful Jeffrey A. Wilkins, Grand Master of Masons in California.
The Grand Banquet is part of the Grand York Rite Sessions held from May 15th to 19th.
When booking hotel reservations with the Wyndham Hotel, tell the agent you are in the Grand York Rite Group.
Attendee reservations and additional details may be found at:
If there are questions, you may contact reservations chairman Dave Glass at or call +1 916 616 3283
Hotel Information
- Hotel Name: Wyndham Visalia
- Hotel Booking Code: Grand York Rite group
- Hotel Phone: 559 651 5000
May 15, 2022
6:30pm - 10:00pm
Wyndham Visalia
9000 W. Airport Drive
Visalia, CA 93277
Organizer Contact Info
Dave Glass
916 616 3283
916 616 3283