Online Leadership Course: Welcome & Looking Forward

Join your counterparts from lodges all over the state in January and February 2021 as we come together in our first online leadership course. 2021 S&T Online Leadership Course Tuesday, February 16th 5:00 to 6:15 pm 
  • Presenter: Art Weiss, Art Salazar and Allan Casalou
  • Title: 2021 Secretary & Treasurer Online Leadership Course Welcome and Looking Forward
  • Welcome: (Art Salazar)
  • Welcome from the Grand Master
  • Covid 19 (Allan Casalou) Provide context for where california is today in the COVID-19 outbreak
  • Give an update about COVID-19 and rules or guidance for lodges.
  • Virtual stated and special meetings
  • Share framework for decision making to update current Masonic orders, including plan for opening for lodges
  • Dues processing and credit card payment online (Jordan Yelinek)
  • Intacct Update (Art Salazar)
  • Description: This online course kicks off with a warm welcome from our leadership in 2021 secretaries and treasurers, an overview of how the COVID pandemic has impacted our work in 2020 and moving forward, a review of dues processing and online credit card payment, and an intacct update.
  • Link: Register Now!


Feb 16, 2021


5:00pm - 6:15pm


Online Course
Register Now!