Online Leadership Course: The Lodge Retention Campaign
Join your counterparts from lodges all over the state in January and February 2021 as we come together in our first online leadership course.
2021 S&T Online Leadership Course
Tuesday, February 23rd 5:00 to 6:15 pm
Presenter: Jordan Yelinek
Title: The Lodge Retention Campaign
Discuss the restoration campaign to date (including results) and the transition to the retention campaign; review how keeping restored members retained is different.
Share tools for the lodges including the role of iMember 2.0 dues processing and how to use the engagement tools for lodges in iMember 2.0 to keep members engaged. Builds on previous two sessions.
Description: Learn the ins and outs of lodge retention campaigns, discuss the restoration campaign to date, the difference between restoring and retaining members, and shared tools for lodges such as iMember 2.0 for dues processing and member engagement