Online Leadership Course: iMember 2.0 Lodge Engagement Tools

Join your counterparts from lodges all over the state in January and February 2021 as we come together in our first online leadership course.

2021 S&T Online Leadership Course

Thursday, February 18th 5:00 to 6:15 pm 

  • Presenter: Jeff Schmisky and James R. “Rick” Leiphardt
  • Title: iMember 2.0: Lodge Engagement Tools (iMember training is how it works, how to do, this session is what to do with it)
  • iMember update (Jordan)
  • Information available to you
  • Contact information
  • Degrees
  • Awards
  • Positions
  • Calendar
  • Social Feeds
  • Communications preferences & fulfilling non-electric communications
  • Dashboards
  • Ability to define membership intelligence – average age by degree – to better understand and talk to them
  • General Experience (Rick)
  • Description: Becoming an iMember 2.0 Rockstar as we review lodge engagement tools including an iMember update, information available to administrators, calendars, social feeds, communications preference, dashboards, etc
  • Link: Register Now!


Feb 18, 2021


5:00pm - 6:15pm


Online Course
Register Now!